A little different

An inaugural exhibition by Sonia Wise

Sonia is an exciting new addition to the Branch Art’s roster of recommended artists. As an entirely self-taught artist, her works and process have a wonderful freedom to them. Although representing everyday objects in the long tradition of still-life paintings, her pieces have a natural charm and fresh energy which speaks to Sonia’s innate skill.


Charity Focus | Bridewell Gardens

Bridewell Gardens provide social and therapeutic horticulture in a working garden to adults living in Oxfordshire.  Their goal is to help people into jobs or voluntary roles out in the wider community. 

As a gardener by trade, Sonia understands the therapeutic and creative value of gardening. Nature plays a hugely important role in her art and life – and her experience as both working gardener and practicing artist bring out important parallels between the two. Like gardens, art grows from an original idea, through hard labour, into something that enriches our lives and can be enjoyed by many. There is increasing understanding of how nature and creativity benefit mental health and Sonia is pleased to be supporting a charity that brings these benefits to a wider community.