Exclusive New Insights by Joel Redman

Belonging is an extraordinary and intimate project by the artist, Joel Redman. We are honoured to be able to share an insight into this ongoing project with a small preview of images of his two boys, Noah and Jake.

These pictures have been taken by Joel over the course of time spent with his children; exploring and home schooling. They reflect on Joel’s innate ability to see. To be present and, to take time. In his own words: ‘I like to immerse myself in a space, slow things down, be present’. These moments captured with his children, who he and his partner home school, carry a deeper wisdom and balance that we might all learn from.

Today, we have shared these new images exclusively on the site as part of our own research into Joel’s work ahead of the conversations he will be having with Susie Lawson, Director of Branch Arts at Farm-Ed, Oxfordshire and with Nigel Winser, Soho Farmhouse on Wednesday 16 March. Join Us!

Joel Redman in Conversation with Nigel Winser

7 pm,16 March, Soho Farmhouse

Nigel and Joel will explore how indigenous people around the world are using photography and film making to tell stories about the immediate impacts of climate change on their lives and communities. The evening will focus on If Not Us Then Who and explore the powerful use of imagery and local narratives as an instrumental force in the global drive to save some of the most precious and endangered environments.

Nigel Winser

Nigel has had a 50 year career dedicated to geographical fieldwork around the world with the Royal Geographical Society and Earthwatch. He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, Honorary Conservation Fellow of the Zoological Society of London, Judge for Tusk Trust Conservation Awards, Hon. Elder of il N'gwesi Conservancy, Kenya and an extremely highly regarded environmental campaigner. Photo courtesy Martin Hartley.

Branch Arts is so grateful to Nigel and Joel for sharing their expertise and unique insights.


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