Collaboration with Nicola Harding and Edward Bulmer Natural Paint Showroom, London Design Week

Stop Press - We’re in a Pop Up in Chelsea with Nicola Harding interiors and Edward Bulmer. What a blast!

We have had fun curating a selection of contemporary pieces by our wonderful artists Mouse Cazalet, Kelly Washbourne, Jelly Green and Laura Middleton to juxtaposition alongside wonderful prints by 19th and 20th century British artists. Working with Gerrish Fine Art, we were invited by Nicola Harding and her NiX furniture team to adorn the walls of the beautiful Edward Bulmer Natural Paint Shop on Ebury Street.

Our aim was to compliment the beautiful sofas, ottomans and shipshape chests with works that might replicate a collector’s taste. Working with the energy of the coloured walls, Gerrish installed an eclectic group of original prints by David Hockney, Frank Stella, Peter Blake, Wiliam Nicholson and Theodore Roussel, the founder of the Society of Graver Printers in Colour. Alongside these, our contemporary pieces add colour and vibrancy. 


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